Friendship through the ‘ages’

When we were two,
We screamed and scratched,
Punched and kicked,
Cried and became friends again,
When we got the toy we wanted.

When we were five,
We pulled faces at each other,
Stuck a thumb upside down,
“I’m not your friend anymore!”
For a day, an hour?

When we were ten,
We called each other names,
Ganged up on each other.
Popularity is the game,
And bullying scores points.
We may have left scars,
And childish hatred cleanly replaces friendship.

When we were fourteen,
We gave silent dirty looks,
Ignored each other,
And pulled our chairs as far as we can,
When we had to sit together on the same table.

Now that we are eighteen,
We smile together sometimes,
Talk like normal classmates,
Act like nothing ever happened between us,
Whether it was a friendship or argument.
Who knows what the other is feeling?
Hate? Longing? Confusion? Love? Pain?
Or all at once?

And when ten years or more will pass,
Will we ever be able to talk out what happened?
Without calculating,
Like we did when we were two.

Re-posting this since it matches many prompts. Three birds with one stone?

[Daily Post – Discover Challenge: Snapshots Get inspired by Andrea Jarrell’s post “A Roar for the Ages,” and tell a broad story using a series of short, focused scenes.]

[Daily Prompt: Friend]

[poetry | 101 | rehab | friend]


12 thoughts on “Friendship through the ‘ages’

  1. very nice piece… so true and well written! sounds like the story of many close friends or siblings… I look forward to reading much more of your work, Much peace and light to you… Michelle

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Very poignant reflection on how friendships can be at school–like others, I had to laugh just a little when I thought about the distant chairs, as I remember doing that for various reasons such as the imaginary “cooties” that someone supposedly had. Things just aren’t the same after going through experiences like that. Thanks for writing that.

    I have recently nominated you for the Liebster Award, one of many recognition awards given by fellow bloggers in the blogging community. To accept this award and to find out more, go to

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